Sunday, October 16, 2005

Week Two resources
Lots of funny info on how TV ads glam food products, models etc.
Shows tricks on how to emotionally manipulate an audience through music, lighting, makeup etc.
The title is “The Rape of Our Children.” And the opening quote is, “The advertising man is the modern missionary: "Give me your children before they are five and they are mine forever!!!"
This essay looks at the way gender roles are portayed in commercials.
This site looks at commercials and ads from the beginning of television. If y become a member, you can view from library of historic commercials.
This gives good questions to take into consideration when you are assessing the effects of commercials and the intentions of the producers.
This site looks at consumer culture, market society, sociology of the internet, and a specific look at the effects on Trinidad by the internet.
This site looks at the effects on teens by advertising and how producers use advertising to manipulate them.
A Christian web site that wants to reform the way churches market themselves because, as the URL says, “Church marketing sucks!”
A Christians educator’s critique of television advertising looking at violence and sex in advertising.


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