Who am I?

That's a good question...
I am a third year student at Fuller Seminary from West Palm Beach, Fl. in the process of being ordained by the PCUSA. After graduating from college in a small Southern town, I moved to Berkeley, CA where I worked with the mission outreach department of a Presbyterian church. Before I moved west of the Mississippi, one of my professors told my brothers that I would come home with long hair and tie dye pants, to which one of them responded, "Yeah, either that, or California will be wearing flannel!" Hence the name "California in Flannel."
My goal in life is to help the global church identify its role as a missional community and equp them to understand the culture around them and engage it with the good news of Jesus Christ. Going into MP520:Transforming Contemporary Cultures, my biggest questions are: How does the church need to change structurally in order to become more relevant to local culture? How do we spiritually lead the church to a point where people are able to let go of structural and methodological traditions and embrace new ones?
If I weren't going into the ministry I would be: a football coach, a master BBQ chef, a Nascar driver, or a dental hygenist. If I had free time: I would like to learn how to play golf and the banjo.
...aside from that, I'm' still trying to figure out who I am.